The 4-Rs of Resilience in Crisis Communication

The "4Rs" - Robustness, Resourcefulness, Rapid Recovery, and Redundancy - provide a practical, resilience-based framework for managing crisis communication.

Dear reader,

First, a big public shout-out and thank you 🙏 to all of you who gave feedback on the draft Code of Ethics I shared in my last update.

Thank you, Stella, Neeran, Andrew, Stuart and Bill, for kicking this off. Your input, remarks, and feedback are really appreciated. I’ll be working on the draft again over the weekend, so we can take this forward.

For those who are still interested in contributing and commenting on the draft Code of Ethics for the use of AI in Crisis Communication, you can do so here.

And now about the main topic of this edition:

Everybody talks about the importance of "resilience", but in crisis communication, it's still a woolly term. Being resilient means having the ability to recover from disasters and even grow from them.

For communication professionals, it's about planning ahead, reacting at the right moment, and learning from the experience afterwards. Breaking down resilience helps professionals better manage crises, reduce risk, and protect their organisation's reputation when the going gets tough.

In this edition, I look at how the “4Rs of resilience”* can be applied to crisis communication.

Enjoy, and please don’t hesitate to reply to this email and let me know what you think!

Kind regards, Philippe

The 4Rs of Resilience is a concept from resilient infrastructure design and is documented in the paper Progress and Recommendations for Advancing Performance-Based Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Design. (link)

Navigating Crisis Communication: An Approach to the 4Rs of Resilience

When uncertainty reigns, clarity and resilience in communication play a critical role. The "4Rs" - robustness, resourcefulness, rapid recovery, and redundancy - provide a practical roadmap for crisis communication. In this update, I try to explore these principles in more detail.

The "4-Rs" of resilience mean that systems can endure shocks (robustness), use resources effectively in times of crises (resourcefulness), recover quickly from disruptions (rapid recovery), and have backup systems to function during crises (redundancy).


Robustness is crucial in crisis communication. This means having strong and resilient communication systems that can handle the challenges of a crisis.

To improve robustness, a resilient communication framework is key. This includes a multi-channel approach to communication that incorporates emails, social media, press releases, and traditional media to ensure that messages reach all stakeholders.

Regular training and crisis simulations and drills can help your team master crisis communication, stay calm, and communicate effectively in an actual crisis.


Resourcefulness represents the creative agility required in crisis management. It requires imaginative communication strategies to navigate the maze of crisis situations. Cultivating resourcefulness in crisis communication means using different strategies and platforms.

Data analytics, for example, can provide valuable insights into target audience behaviour and help tailor messages effectively. You can use A/B testing for email communication to see which messages your target audience prefers.

In addition, visually appealing infographics on social media channels can transform complex crisis-related information into understandable content.

Rapid Recovery

Rapid recovery, another key component of the 4R framework, emphasises the importance of recovering quickly and effectively after a crisis. The focus is on rebuilding communication networks, regaining stakeholder trust, and learning from the crisis to improve future strategies.

An essential part of this recovery process is transparent and consistent communication. Stakeholders should be updated on the recovery progress, actions taken, and future prevention measures.

For instance, if a company experiences a data breach, it's crucial to regularly update stakeholders on the steps taken to secure the data, the status of the investigation, and the steps taken to avoid future incidents.

The recovery period should also be seen as a learning opportunity. A thorough review of the crisis response should be conducted to determine which areas worked well and which need improvement.

Stakeholder feedback can be invaluable in this process as it provides insight into how they perceive crisis management and communication, and what areas they think could be improved. This reflection ensures that the organisation is better prepared for future crises and can respond more effectively.


Redundancy, the last "R", stands for contingency plans that ensure seamless communication in times of crisis. They act as a safety net if the primary systems fail.

This could include setting up alternative methods of communication, such as SMS notifications or radio broadcasts, in case of an internet outage. Working with local radio stations for emergency broadcasts can ensure wider coverage.

By training team members for multiple tasks, there will always be backup staff available. This ensures uninterrupted communication, even when key staff members are not present.

In addition, the use of cloud-based communication systems that can be accessed from anywhere can ensure uninterrupted communication even if the main site or equipment is affected.

It's also beneficial to work with other organisations or agencies for support. These may be media houses, PR agencies, or third-party providers who can step in and provide support in the event of a crisis.

The "4Rs" of resilience offer a practical and effective approach to crisis communications.

PR and corporate communications professionals can handle crises confidently by creating a strong communications structure, promoting innovation, planning for quick recovery, and establishing backup systems.

What do you think? Let me know by replying to this email.

Just a quick reminder about our upcoming webinar:

I am hosting Daniel Ravner, the Co-Founder and CEO of Brinker AI, for a live discussion on "Navigating the Digital Minefield: AI's Role in Combating Online Harassment and Misinformation."

This is a rare opportunity to gain practical insights from a leader in the field and learn how you can take meaningful steps to secure your online environment.

The webinar is scheduled for November 1 at 13:00 GMT+1 - don’t miss it.

If you have any pressing questions for Daniel, please reply to this email to share them. I will make sure he gets your questions, and we will address them during the webinar.

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What I am reading/testing/checking out:

  • The EU’s AI Act: with the legislation coming into effect soon, I am reading up on the AI act to see how this will influence my work.

  • Webinar: I’ll be attending this free webinar: Communication in conflict: can we safeguard information in the age of AI?

  • Cambridge University AI Guidelines: The AI Working Group in the central communications team at the University of Cambridge have published new guidelines.

A Quick Note on How I Create Content for Wag The Dog

As you know, I'm passionate about AI and its applications in the fields of PR and crisis communication. So, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I use AI to help draft my articles.

Why? Well, for starters, English isn't my first language. While I'm comfortable with it, AI gives me that extra edge to ensure clarity and coherence. Secondly, I write about AI, so what better way to understand its capabilities than to use it in my own work?

I value transparency, so it's crucial for you to know that although AI assists me in drafting, I personally review and edit each article to guarantee its authenticity.

PS: I hope you've enjoyed this newsletter! Creating it each day is a labour of love that I provide for free. If you've found my writing valuable, the best way to support it is by sharing it with others. Please click the share links below to spread the word with your friends and colleagues; it would mean so much to me. Thank you for reading!


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