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  • Flood Emergency Communications: Custom Strategies and New Tech for Crisis Management

Flood Emergency Communications: Custom Strategies and New Tech for Crisis Management

Strategies for effective flood risk communication. Learn how tailored messaging, modern technology, and community engagement can enhance crisis responses and strengthen resilience.

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Dear reader,

Welcome to the latest edition of the Wag The Dog Newsletter

Today I would like to share some insights into effective risk communication practices specifically tailored to flood emergencies - a scenario that requires quick action and clear communication.

After the floods in Dubai last month, I had intended to write about this subject, but I became preoccupied with other issues. But now that I see the terrible news from Brazil, I thought I should prioritise this topic.

Take care, and I look forward to your feedback and contribution.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Terrain: The importance of tailored communication strategies

Flooding presents a unique challenge, not only because of the immediate dangers associated with rising waters but also because of the diverse demographics and geographies that are affected. Effective communication must therefore be adaptable and tailored to different needs.

From my risk communication work in the Philippines in 2020, I know that the cornerstone of successful risk communication lies in understanding and integrating the perspectives of the community.

This requires a thorough understanding of their knowledge, expectations, media use and preferences. Working with the community to develop flood early warning systems (FEWS)1 ensures that the strategies developed aren't only comprehensive but also relevant.

Use of technology: A game changer in early warning and forecasting models

The role of technologies in flood risk management cannot be overemphasised. Real-time monitoring and forecasting models are critical to providing accurate early warnings.

These systems provide communities with timely information, enabling effective evacuation strategies and infrastructure protection. For example, tools such as GIS maps and mobile warning systems can significantly improve the dissemination of urgent flood warnings.

The power of media and social networks

Social networks and media platforms are invaluable for the dissemination of risk communication. An agent-based modelling study2 highlights the influence of social networks on the dissemination and reception of flood risk information.

By using these platforms, emergency managers can broaden the audience for their messages, increase their impact, and ensure that they are well-received.

In addition, the use of interactive and realistic visualisation methods can create a stronger emotional connection and encourage the population to respond more proactively.

Visual aids depicting possible flooding scenarios can be particularly effective in emphasising the urgency and seriousness of the situation.

Community at the centre: engagement and empowerment

A prominent approach to risk communication is to actively engage and empower communities. The focus here is on creating opportunities for participation that enable community members to be part of the decision-making process.

Techniques such as participatory action research (PAR)3 have proven successful in this regard, especially in culturally diverse environments where local knowledge plays a central role in shaping risk communication strategies.

Promoting adaptive behaviours through intelligent communication

In flood-prone areas, it's important to promote adaptive behaviour. Smart communication strategies should motivate residents to take proactive measures to mitigate flood risk.

This can be achieved through clear, easy-to-understand and actionable messages that avoid jargon that could confuse the public. In addition, multi-channel dissemination - a combination of traditional media and modern digital platforms - ensures that messages reach a wider audience effectively.

Webinar: Virtual Reality Risk Communication with Dr Jantsje M. Mol

Technology such as virtual reality (VR) can also be used to prepare communities for flooding scenarios. In this webinar I spoke with Dr Jantsje Mol and she demonstrates how people in the Netherlands have been prepared to protect their homes in flood-prone areas through the use of VR. Check out the replay of the webinar here.

Feedback and adaptation: the pillars of sustainable strategies

Continuous evaluation and adaptability are critical to the sustainability of risk communication strategies. Robust feedback mechanisms allow for the collection of community insights that can help refine and improve communication efforts.

As the situation evolves, strategies should also be adapted to maintain their relevance and effectiveness under changing conditions.

Building resilient communities through effective communication

As we have found, good practices in risk communication for flood emergencies include a comprehensive approach that prioritises community engagement, uses modern technologies, and employs effective dissemination channels.

By incorporating these practices into our communication strategies, we can ensure that communities are well informed and also actively involved in managing their flood risks.

I encourage all professionals in this field to consider these lessons when developing or refining their flood risk communication plans.

By fostering a well-prepared and resilient community, we can significantly mitigate the impact of such unavoidable natural events.

I prepared a 4 page preparedness guide for people living in flood-prone areas. You can download it for free and distribute it to whoever needs it.

Stay safe and stay informed!

References and more to read.

1  Flood early warning systems: A review of benefits, challenges, and prospects. (2019, August 29). Preventionweb.net. 

2  Du, Erhu & Cai, Ximing & Sun, Zhiyong & Minsker, Barbara. (2017). Exploring the Role of Social Media and Individual Behaviors in Flood Evacuation Processes: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. Water Resources Research. 53. 10.1002/2017WR021192.

3  Participatory Action Research in Disaster Preparedness and Community Reconstruction on JSTOR. (2024). Jstor.org.

‌Join me at one of these events

🇧🇪 Brussels, Belgium, July 1 & 2: AI-Powered Crisis Communication: A 2-Day Workshop. Book today to save $200.

🇧🇭 Manama, Bahrain, October 6 & 7: AI for Crisis Communications: A 2-Day Training Workshop. Book today and save $400.

🇺🇸 Chicago, USA, October 17 & 18: AI in PR Boot Camp: Conference and Training Event. Pre-register and save 15%.

Free SOC 2 Compliance Checklist from Vanta

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Vanta automates up to 90% of the work for SOC 2 (along with other in-demand frameworks like ISO 27001, HIPAA, and GDPR), getting you audit-ready in weeks instead of months and saving you up to 85% of associated costs.

What I am reading/testing/checking out:

  • Tool: A simple AI-native workspace, custom built for research.

  • Perplexity (get $10 off with this link): Ask your questions and receive concise, accurate answers backed up by a curated set of sources. It has a conversational interface, contextual awareness, and learns about your interests and preferences over time.

  • Podcast: My colleague Alice Allan at WHO has a great episode about Disease X, a topic I covered in a previous edition here.

  • Tool: Run & interact with full-featured open-source LLMs (AI) locally on your device.

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